Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Check out my Website

It's very informative Hypnosis!please call me if you have any questions.

Tuesday March 10, 2009

The Numerological number for today, March 10, 2009, is a 6, so home feels good. Some times staying home is good for the mind and the body. Resting, meditating, reviewing what are you ready to let go. Gone with the old and bring on the new!

Numerology in a 6 day means it’s time to be responsible to you. Stop fixing other people and pay attention to you and your needs. If you are at home what a better time to start creating new healthy recipes that will help you not only to lose weight if that’s what you want to do, and if weight loss is not your issue, healthy recipes will help you stay healthy.

Start by assessing if you are drinking 8 – 10 glasses of water a day. The Numerology number for Water is a 4. 4 is the number for work, so that means that water works! Some people think that water is not necessary and drinking soda is OK. Remember, soda dehydrates your body because you are primarily drinking a chemical cocktail. In case you never heard this TAB (remember TAB?) stands for “Totally Artificial Beverage.”

It’s not about liking or not liking water. Water is necessary for health. It helps flush toxins from your body. Why is it that most of us keep the adequate levels of water in our car but will not keep adequate levels in our bodies? Humans can survive 30 to 40 days by only drinking water. Your body will survive between 3 to 5 days without water. So is water important? It helps you lose weight. It helps maintain your health. On this 6 day, make a plan for drinking water, losing weight and hydrating your body 8-10 times a day.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Numerology and Proteins for Losing Weight

Today is a 2 day, a very good day when people that feel shy can become more forthcoming and adventurous. It is a good day to focus more on you and stop concentrating on others. This could be a great day for those of you who are emotional eaters to focus on you, ground yourselves, and pay more attention to the foods that you choose to eat. This is a very good day to create an eating plan that will help you lose weight and gain your confidence back. One way to bolster confidence is to ask for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength; It is an internal acknowledgement that it is time to put yourself first. The best foods to ground you and give you more focus are proteins, because they are dense and keep your blood sugars level.

How can we apply the Numerology to making a plan for eating more proteins? Which are the proteins that are more compatible with today’s number 2? Let’s take a look:

Protein = 7
Good for your mind and your intellect.
7 + 2 = 9
The number that likes to provide service, so eat more protein;
provide good service to your body.

Fish and Pork = the number six. 6 + 2 = 8 – You will feel more in your own power and realize that you do have the power to “just do it.”

Chicken, Turkey and Tofu = the number eight. 8 + 2 = 10 = 1 – A good mix, be more creative, innovative and independent; create healthy recipes from scratch.

Beef = the number nine. 9 + 2 = 11 – A Master Challenge number. Listen to your psychic powers and your intuition. Your body is seeking attention, your attention.

Veal = the number four. 4 + 2 = 6 – Take responsibility for yourself, nurture yourself, surround yourself with the things that you love, maybe your home – alone…

Seafood = the number two. 2 + 2 = 4 – A good day to accomplish your work building what you want from the bottom up.

Beans = the number five. 5 + 2 = 7 – As I said before, protein that is good for your mind and your intellect

Numerology Diet

Hi, my name is Maria Olga Paiz, and I am a Numerologist. When people discover what I do, the first question people usually ask is what can Numerology do for me? My answer is lots, and some of it is unique to numerology. It’s going to help you get to know yourself better.

- With your birthday Numerology will tell you more about the person you choose to be in this life path.
- With your birth name, as it appears in your Birth Certificate, Numerology will reveal how the people that meet you perceive you.
- You will find out your major strengths, those that help you solve problems and carry you forward in your life.
- The life lessons that you need to learn before you depart so you don’t have to come back and re-learn them again.
- What motivates you.
- Your desires.
- What each New Year brings for you.
- Whether you are compatible with your partner and why.
- When is the best time to buy a home and which is the best home to buy.
- Which stocks are better to invest in.
q What is the best phone number for you and/or your business.
q What are your numbers today

I could go on and on.

Numbers have vibrations, they have negative and positive aspects; numbers are predictive and have revelatory qualities. Most importantly, numbers are everywhere. They are a part of our existence and, even though they define our lives we tend to ignore them..

Numerology works very well in conjunction with Astrology, Psychic and Card Readings. Numerology is 90% accurate and it’s been in use for at least 5,000 years. Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks and Hebrew cultures used Numerology and in present time it is used more or less in the same traditional form. The Numerology Realm uses the base numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and the Master Challenge numbers 11, 22. These numbers help me psychically write your Numerological Chart.

Today’s number is a 1, which represents new beginnings; a good day to start new things from scratch, to be innovative and individualistic. I picked this day to start my Blog and to introduce you to my revolutionary new Numerology Diet. “Eat according to your numbers”, eat the foods that are compatible with your numbers, honor yourself and honor your body and, on the way, lose weight by eating the foods that are healthier for you and your body.